Melissa's Cuisine: Anybody out there? Hellooooo? *Tap Tap* Is this thing on?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Anybody out there? Hellooooo? *Tap Tap* Is this thing on?

Are you like me? Do you ever wonder who is reading your blog? I know from my stats that I have a decent amount of readers, but I don't know who you are!

Did you know there's a national "de-lurking day"? Seriously, there is! In fact, it was a week ago (I totally and completely missed it!) But we'll just pretend it's today!

So, if you're out there reading my blog, stop by and leave me a comment! I'd love to get to know you more! In fact, to get you started, why don't you tell me a little known fact about yourself?


  1. Hi!!! I'm Tammy. I don't like pink. lol

  2. Hola! I'm here! I'd leave a little known fact, but I think you know pretty much everything... ;)

  3. Just found you through Culinary Concoctions!

  4. So you have to tell me how you got the little cupcake to show up on the bar up above?

  5. Hi I'm Melissa, i found you through Sweets for a Saturday!

    i live in the netherlands


Thanks for reading my blog! I always look forward to reading your thoughts on my recipes!

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