Melissa's Cuisine: Peanut Brittle

Monday, June 17, 2013

Peanut Brittle

Melissa's Cuisine: Peanut Brittle
What a weekend!  Mike finally had Saturday off from work and we had plans for a lot of yard work that needed done around our house.  Apparently, it wasn't all meant to be, as Mike woke up not feeling well and then it rained most of the morning.  We were able to get a few things accomplished, but our list is still long.  Anyone up for some manual labor?

The plus side of the poor weather was that we got to enjoy some quality time together, including a date night!  It's been so long since we've done that.  Then on Sunday, we got to spend time with both of our fathers.  Quality time seems to be the best gift you can give someone, and I'm so thankful for both my dad and my father-in-law.

It just so happens that one of my dad's favorite snacks is peanut brittle.  It worked out perfectly because I found a delicious looking recipe on Gloria's blog, The Ginger Snap Girl.  I was able to make Peanut Brittle for my dad for Father's Day, as well as make the recipe from this month's Secret Recipe Club assignment.

While there were quite a few delicious looking recipes on Gloria's blog, I'm really happy that I made this candy.  It came together perfectly, and has the perfect ratio of peanuts and candy.  I did leave out the cinnamon and cayenne pepper from Gloria's recipe, so I would have a more typical version of peanut brittle.  I believe this is the first time I've made peanut brittle (though I've helped my parents before) and I now have a go-to recipe for this candy!  Plus, my dad loved it, so I know it was good!
Melissa's Cuisine: Peanut Brittle
Peanut Brittle

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup water
1-1/2 cups peanuts
2 Tablespoons butter, softened
1 teaspoon baking soda

1.  In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar, corn syrup, salt, and water.  Cook, stirring constantly until the sugar is dissolved.

2.  Continue cooking the mixture, stirring frequently, until it reaches 275 degrees (use a candy thermometer to keep track of the temperature). 

3.  Add the peanuts to the sugar mixture and continue to cook until the temperature reaches 300 degrees.

4.  Remove the pan from the heat and immediately stir in the butter and baking soda. 

5.  Pour candy mixture onto a baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper.  Spread with a greased spatula if necessary (mine spread out on its own).

6.  Cool the brittle for at least 3 hours, until hard, before breaking into pieces. 

Brittle can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature.  However, if it is humid (like my house was), I would recommend storing the brittle in the fridge, otherwise it will become sticky!

Source: The Ginger Snap Girl


  1. Crunchy, nutty, salty, sweet - pure snacking joy.

  2. Yum! Great choice for SRC! I am also so impressed with successfully done brittle because I have get to be happy with any I have tried. Well done! Looks delish!

    ~Chris (

  3. Your brittle looks absolutely perfect. I remember having issues with this recipe the first time I made it and interestingly I made it again recently for a family event...and still had issues! LOL. That's so cool you found something to make for your Dad for Father's Day! :)

  4. My dad is also a HUGE peanut brittle fan. If he's in the house, it won't last long. :)

  5. Sweets for the sweets! I don't live near my Dad anymore (probably for the best) and I miss him horribly. Great father's day gift :)

    Happy SRC Reveal, fellow SRCer!

  6. Hey, Melissa. Great SRC post. My mom makes the best peanut brittle---in the microwave. It was one of the first candies we learned to make.

  7. I just love peanut brittle, and yours looks perfect! Great choice!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great weekend and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  9. I love peanut brittle too and your looks so good!
    ~Jamie (visiting from src group c)


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